Choosing the right host can often be difficult, especially if you do not know exactly what to look for in a host. The speed that your website loads directly effects your sales and your search engine ranking so it is very important to have a quality host. Many hosts often lure you in with low prices for the first year of service, then jack the price up for the remainder of your time with them. I do not believe in practices like that, and what you pay for the first year will carry over to the next year – even if the server receives an upgrade in hardware!

All Hosting Packages Include The Following Features

cPanel Control Panel

cPanel is the world’s premier web hosting automation software. Features within cPanel include: website management, email management, domain management, and enhanced security. cPanel makes life easier for website owners, offering powerful tools to help you perform essential tasks quickly, easily, and reliably. Normally $20/monthly if purchased directly through cPanel.

Proactive Monitoring

My server has software installed which detects processes that may have failed and attempts to restart them. In case it cannot restart the services or fix the issue, support staff is notified so they can correct the issue.

Total Management

My server is fully managed and continuously receives updates on the OS, cPanel/WHM Control Panel, and all of your services like HTTP and email to ensure your server is secure and well performing. Support goes beyond simply keeping your server updated though. Not sure how to install an SSL certificate? I’ll do it for you. Problem with nameservers on a domain or some other DNS issue? I’ll get it fixed. GoDaddy support can’t compete with me!

Spam Prevention & Anti-Virus

Deployed is an enhanced anti-spam configuration that goes beyond what is normally included with cPanel to maximize spam reduction while keeping false positives to a minimum. Using a custom blend of Realtime Blocklists (RBLS), SpamAssassin, ClamAV Anti-Virus, SMTP-level hardening your site will have some serious protection.

Firewall & Brute Force Protection

Advanced Firewall (CSF) and Brute Force Protection (LFD) is installed and configured. I also support brute force protection for many CMS systems, including WordPress, through mod_security.

Security Updates

I don’t wait for an emergency to secure your server. Proactive security updates kick in the moment a risk is detected. That means vulnerabilities like kernel exploits, SSH, control panel, or any other root-level exploits are on my radar before they do any damage. Security information outlets including websites, vendor mailing lists, security mailing lists, and forums are constantly monitored. So when a new vulnerability is announced, I’m all over it.